(Please click on the picture below to view the video)




August 8, 2009, the worst storm in 50 years swallowed up south and east Taiwan.

Hundreds of people are still missing due to the flooding and mudslides cause by typhoon Morakot; not to mention the thousands of homes, schools, farms, and fisheries that were destroyed. As of today, 20+ bridges are damaged or washed away. Half of Taiwan is still covered by water and mud.

In a little village called “Xiao-lin” (pronounced Shao-lin) in Kaohsiung County (south-west part), 600+ people are missing. A rescue helicopter sent to help the village could not even land because of the unstable and saturated ground. In some mountainous areas, residents are without clean water, electricity, and food and have also lost communication with the public. The children and the elderly who remain are becoming sick with fevers and losing life signs. The rescue groups kept looking and finally 219 people were found today. However, 90% of homes were buried.

August 9th night, one village leader in Yun-lin County (south-west coast), Mr. Miu went out to close the levee gate so the inundation of the village could be prevented. The rain was heavy; the water kept coming in. Mr. Miu was washed away and found dead. He was only 47 years old. 

The family and relatives in Taiwan of Frank, Chris, Terry, Jason and myself are safe thankfully. However, our eyes tear up when we talk about what we have been seeing and hearing. Last night I finally spoke with my 90-year-old grandma who lives in south Taiwan (the flooding area) and confirmed that she is safe.

I am sincerely asking for your help. A little would help a lot. Your donation may help save a child or a family!  

We will have donation envelopes at the following areas and flyers on the bulletin boards in break room and common areas. All donations will be sent to Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles (TECOLA) by August 28. If you are writing a check, please make it payable to TECOLA 88. A tax write-off receipt will be issued by TECOLA.

(For more video please click the first picture.)











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後記: 本篇為馬丁尼在八月十二日於公司public e-mail送出. 募款八天, 包括八月二十日當天的PIZZA 及幾位同事捐出的私人BOAT 之出海釣魚一日遊raffle 義賣. 當天十個大PIZZA在十三分鐘之內銷售一空, 馬丁尼感動地眼淚直流. 共募集兩千多美元, 另在同事L 先生與大老闆之努力爭取下, 獲得公司捐出double我們募集的款項; 總共四千餘美元. 明天以掛號方式將款項寄至駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處.  

感謝大家不分國籍種族的幫忙及協助. 也希望台灣救災順利, 人民平安.


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